It’s been a minute since I gave a little life update in this space, so let’s catch up!
The past 6 months have been a whirlwind filled with lots change. We have taken each month, week and day at a time, not really knowing what the next week or month would entirely look like – simply filled with lots of prayer and faith that God’s plans were bigger than ours, putting one foot in front of the other.

Since October:
– We changed companies! Seth took a new accounting position in a new company + I resigned from my previous company and joined Amare.
– Our incredible team within Amare exploded and surpassed $850,000 in sales in 5 months and is set for over a million this month!
– We visited new areas of Texas – north, east & south and also clocked in our first 50 hours outside for the new year.
– We hit the rank of Diamond with Amare and earned a free trip for two to Mexico + tons of other prizes like a new iPhone and iPad (and so have many others who have joined our team!).
– Seth resigned from his accounting job and is home full time – a dream of ours for years!
– We went to New Orleans, Louisiania for a leadership summit (we would love to go back in the future for fun and an adults-only trip).
– We walked through another miscarriage. I haven’t shared that publically because I didn’t want to answer the questions around it. But a couple conversations lately reminded me that we’re not alone in the hard seasons. And sometimes leaning in and being vulnerable can be healing – for you or someone else.
– The big girls attended their last sessions with our local homeschool co-op.
– AND… we’re moving to Idaho!!
We went from looking to buy a house here in Texas, after moving less than 2 years ago – to feeling unsettled. Unable to put our finger on exactly why we no longer felt the pull to put down roots here.
Texas has been good to us, we have the sweetest homeschool community & co-op, love the warm early spring & will miss the fireflies in May, but we have been feeling called back to the Pacific Northwest, closer to family & friends. We miss the mountains, recreation & things the northwest does so well we have not been able to find here.
This move will bring us just a few hours from most of our family & friends we miss so much and back in a climate with all four seasons, but nice warm summers (that aren’t too hot to be outside – looking at you Texas lol)
We have learned that sometimes God asks you to lay things down because he has bigger & better things in store for you!
– Moving from Oregon to Texas really brought us inward as a family. It gave us time & space to reflect on how we wanted to raise our family and how we want to spend our days. This opened the door for us to step away from things that were no longer serving us and hone in on what we are truly passionate about!
– Walking away from a business we had spent the past 6 years building, growing and pouring my time, energy & heart into was hard. But it opened the door to more than we ever could have imagined! Not only our own health & completely changing our finances and how we spend our days to the ripple effect of impacting thousands of lives where others could say YES too – and they are experiencing the same incredible blessings and change to their health & finances.
– My husband left a career that he once felt called to, that he invested into and was highly skilled in. But now he’s been able to be home full-time with us, able to work on projects he enjoys and decide what he really wants to do next!
– We now lay down what we thought we wanted in moving to Texas. This was a dream of ours for 8+ years.. we made the big move, learned alot along the way and we are now feeling called away and fully trusting in what is next!

I know life doesn’t always make sense, some people think we are crazy. But to walk and live on purpose doesn’t always mean it’ll be easy. Maybe we aren’t supposed to live in a world of “what if it doesn’t work out?” – I refuse to live this way.
Because what if it turns out better than you ever imagined?
What if you each YES gets your closer to living your best life?
What if that YES can also bless thousands of others?
Living in fear of change, mistakes or “failing” only holds us back.
No risk, no magic.
We want our girls to know that you can make bold moves. You can chase your dreams. You can learn along the way and with each new chapter you bring all that experience with you.
Starting over in a new city, new state, new job.. new company.. whatever it might be, you’re never starting over. You’re starting from experience and that will only help you define what you want, how you want to live your life and accelerate the path you’re on to reaching those big dreams.
I started this post just to share that we are moving, but my heart just took over. If you’ve reached this far, thank you for reading what felt like a diary entry. Thank you for following along with our family and for all the love & support. We are so excited for this next chapter.
PS: I’m always here to help and answer questions if you’re looking for a change for your family and want to see if Amare is a good fit for you and your family.
Happy for you and your family. Maybe we’ll get to see you all when you’re closer to oregon . Blessing to you and your family!