Unpacking mountain grown lavender and white pine pinecones from my luggage made me immediately want to go back! The delicious smelling purple buds and giant pinecones sit near me at the end of the table as I type this. It was truly an amazing trip that left my heart so full, I decided to take a few days to marinate & soak it all in. How could I possibly put it into words?

The first part of this trip was an all-expenses paid retreat to the Spokane, Washington & St. Maries Lavender Farm in Idaho. We earned this trip from Young Living in 2019, but due to the craziness of the world it was postponed, then when it came around last year, we had just moved and I was almost 9 months pregnant. I was beyond stoked to go this year!
Landing in Spokane, I knew no one – I didn’t even know who else was attending this retreat. But before we even reached the hotel, I had met a handful of other women who basically became my “retreat family” for the next few days. So many sweet new friends.

We had one day for business training and another for venturing to the farm. YL is such a family-oriented company that I could bring Marin with me (and many other moms had their babies too) so the littles played while we listened in.
Two takeaways that stuck with me and apply to so many facets of life are:
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there” and “You will duplicate yourself whether you want to or not”.

The peace & beauty of the St. Maries Farm was truly incredible! We were there right after their harvest and got to hear from the farm managers and those who work & care for the farm about the process and steps involved. The farms is no-till and is hand-weeded – no chemicals or pesticides are ever used.. and they can hand weed the perimeter of each plant at the rate of 1 acre in about 30 minutes!

Inside the greenhouse was Melissa – this plant offers incredible benefits but is also more intensive in the distillation process – but we were gifted a gorgeous bottle of it while we were there (and this was in addition to a backpack of of swag, oils, CBD and goodies.

I skipped the river rafting day of retreat due to having Marin with me, but extended my trip to soak up time with family who live a short drive away in Idaho! We checked out the local farm stands, picked gallons of blueberries and headed up to the mountains to hike!

The trip home was nothing short of an adventure in itself, if you follow on instagram you saw the crazy cascade of events from the severe weather, flooding, canceled flights, missed connection and lost + recovering our luggage, carseat & stroller – definitely a story in itself! But through all of it was soo much kindness from strangers and people helping each other in whatever way they could.
This trip was soo much fun, I’m sure I’m leaving things out – just feeling super blessed & inspired by such this retreat, grateful for time and sweet memories with famliy and the comfort of home.

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